Monday, 16 April 2007

Bharat Buniyad - Pillars of Indian Society

Buniyad is the Hindi term for foundation, or the base. We are using this term in the sense of the pillars of Indian society, in the post colonial, and post Marxian context, in which, globalization, as the relevant neo liberal reality after the demise of global Communism, is forging new and radically different relations of production, means of knowledge production and modes of production.
In many senses the Marxian concepts of relations, means and modes of production, of surplus value creation, accumulation, control of capital, are still very valid as emblems. However, it is also true that the so called leftist Commissars and passionate Marxians / Comintern of yester years, with their radical theoretical prescriptions on dictatorship of the proletariat, are all now part of the global transnational and regional elite, ( South America may be an exception), with significant stakes in a particular form of globalization.
India is not a country but a sub continent and thus diversity of views, political forms and objectives is at the very core of its sense of identity and inseparable from any relevant view of the future which is even partially emancipatory and based on principles of mutual respect, shared values and common faith.